Friday, July 04, 2008




In searching for some patriotic TV for the 4th, all I found was a marathon of Dateline NBC’s “To Catch a Predator.”


After watching 2+ hours of this the following things are going through my head:


  1. I never want to be on dateline.
  2. People are freaking sick.
  3. I wish I could send a pizza guy to the Dateline NBC house  . . .

Chris Hansen:  Have a seat.  (He always walks in from out of no where and tells these guys to sit  and they do – you’d think one would just run like hell.)

Pizza Guy:              Hey, Chris Hansen, you ordered a pepperoni pizza?

Chris Hansen:          No Mr. “YOUNGGIRLLOVER486” I’m here to talk about you wanting to have sex with a 13 year old boy.

Pizza Guy:              I’m just here to deliver a pizza?!

Chris Hansen:          Now, this one I’ve never heard before.


Stop the press, I’m watching right now and the next guy is a pizza delivery guy (for a living) he’s not delivery anything but perversion.


Anyway, this show is freaking crazy.



Lawtonious Funk


Agent Orange said...

yeah but I bet you were laughing your ass off the entire show!

Lawtonfunk said...

Quietly. I was laughing quietly.