Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Dateline: To Catch The Predator

I saw the strangest Dateline the other day. Here’s the breakdown . . .

(The Predator walks into the kitchen of a white two story house in a California Suburb.)

From another room Arnold Schwarzenegger calls out:
"Come on in. I just have to take a quick shower."

Then, all of the sudden Chris Hansen steps out of a curtain drawn doorway!

(The Predator cloaks himself)

Chris Hansen: No, no, I can still see the outline of your body. Just have a seat."

The Predator: (in his predator voice) Who the fuck are you!

Chris Hansen: I"m Chris Hansen from Dateline . . . Now, we have some transcripts from an online chat room and there is some pretty nasty stuff you want to do to Arnold Schwarzenegger. I just want to know why? You drove over 1 million miles to, well, I'd rather not repeat this, why?

The Predator: (with his head slouched down and his dreds hanging over his face) I'm stupid. I know it's wrong. I just like the hunt, you know. I'm stupid. Is there anything I can do?

Chris Hansen: I"m not the police, and you're free to leave anytime.

The Predator leaves the room, and the county police immediately arrest him. I guess he's not going to get any Arnold.


Anonymous said...


BTW, do you need my address? I was checking my old entries, and I found the one you telling me about Sunrise. I don't have those acoustic sounds in my stereo, so....:)

Lawtonfunk said...

Yeah, I need your address. I'd be happy to mail you some music.