Monday, May 05, 2008

The Sit and Spin Zone . . .

I haven’t posted in a while.  So, I’ll make this random opinion for you.


I hate Bill O’Reilly.  Don’t get me wrong – I usually agree with most of what he says, but the guy is a friggin’ jerk.  You know what?  He’s an ass-a pompous ass.  I just want to beat that condescending smirk off of his face.  What a prick.  I swore I’d never call anyone this because it’s the new hip insult, but Bill O’Reilly is an asshat.


Or am I thinking about Bill Maher?



 Maybe it’s both? After all, Maher is just the dirty Sanchez to O’Reilly’s missionary.  What I hate about one, I hate about the other.  If Bill Maher ever shows up O’Reilly’s show, I’ll probably throw my TV through the wall.  


On a side note, I watch Fox News in the morning for the same reason I watch the Special Olympics.     





Lawtonious “I don’t need a reason.  I don’t like him.” Funk 


1 comment:

Agent Orange said...

Laughing out loud at work.....check. man I miss these conversations at 300 Woodland while J-Rod made millions.