Monday, May 12, 2008


I’m on a mission . . . a mission for more cowbell!

But seriously, Agent Orange has been asking me for a copy of all our old band’s music for six or so years now. Well, I have all of the originals on my Ipod. I was going to burn them to CD when I thought, what if I found the old 4 track tapes and put the covers on there, too? What if that show with the distorted recordings isn’t that bad. Well, I have found the tapes, and it brings up a few thoughts:

  1. I thought I could sing so much better now, than before, until I heard another tape than the one I have. Apparently, on our recorded show, I was just having a bad day.
  2. For some reason I cut out some of the crown commentary during the Explorer’s show. Most notably is the comment, “Our bassist says his strap is broken, but he’s really just too drunk to stand right now.” Rock and fucking roll baby!!!!
  3. We recorded a few songs to give to our bassist to listen to and then practice for shows. I’m going to see what I can make of those. I heard a snippet of “Calmly” and of “Shaft.”
  4. Apparently, we played every song like we were on crack. I WANT TO GO FAST!!!!
  5. ‘Calling to the Night’ sounds really cool with the full band.

Agent, I’ll put something in the mail by the end of the week. If anyone else wants a copy for their listening enjoyment, let me know.


Lawtonious “Have some tea-just not mine” Funk


Agent Orange said...

All I can say is that Lost On Tuesday (or LOT if you are a fan) is the main bragging point of my musical career. I wish that we could have done that so much longer but alas a band made of Engineers just wasn't a great idea from the start!! LOL

my word verification is yerglcup.....what the hell is a yergl cup?

Lawtonfunk said...

I am remastering the whole set of songs because my new program can:
1. add stereo effects
2. significantly reduce background noise.
3. equalize the heck out of the song such that instruments are easier to hear.