There is a Par 3, 9 hole, pitch and put course less than 5 minutes from where I work. Therefore, I play golf 3 out of 5 days during lunch. Well, today I hit my first birdie. It was an 80 yard hit to the green into the wind that was also blowing slightly left to right. I landed about 10 feet from the hole on the top of a hill and I sank the second shot. It felt especially good because I was hitting well the whole time. So, it felt more like skill than luck. I ended the day 10 over par at 37. It’s the best score of me and the other guy who play to date. (Sure, we both stink.) So, I have a goal to beat.
Havin’ a good time,
Lawtonious “Now if only I could drive over 200 yards” Funk
Congratulations, that's what the game is all about. Getting that personal best and playing to beat it. Of course, God loves to tease you with an awesome shot towards the end of a round just to lure you back.
I just realized that my link is not on your sidebar.....thanks. Thanks alot!
1. I went back out after work and got another birdie. I shit you not.
2. I don't have your little icon anymore, but the link is still there.
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