Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Bicycle Post Trails in Greenville, NC

Now that I know how to show videos online, check out where I go mountain biking in Greenville, NC.

Granted, there are much cooler parts on the trail than shown here, but it's pretty cool to share.

Lawtonious "I can ride my bike with no handlebars" Funk


Lawtonfunk said...

For a better video see "Sir Bikes A Lot" http://www.sirbikesalot.com/includes/popup_media.php?fid=uploads_video/2007/bicyclepost2007part2.mov&subj=&w=492&h=276

We've also been to Clayton. There is a 30 foot STEEP hill. It doesn't look so steep in the videos, but they never do.

Anonymous said...

The second video reminds me of the bike obstacle courses we used to set up in some nearby woods when I was about 7 and 8. There were logs, pits, hills...major fun when you had no fear/knowledge of hurting knees/backs/breaking your neck.