Thursday, June 05, 2008

Oh shit, not again.

I woke up this morning with the worst back pain I’ve had since before I has surgery.  I can’t move.  I’m sweating and the exact disc I had repaired is freaking killing me.  I took three advil thinking it would calm down and work would be fine . . . that didn’t work.  I am so freaking out right now. 


I went bike riding yesterday.  I felt fine afterwards, but my back was a little sore at work.  I blamed it on my pants being too tight because I just went on vacation and gained 5 lbs.  Well, I’ll be going on a diet starting, let’s say-now.  


I really don’t want to hurt like this again for a long time.  It’s not as bad as it used to be, but it certainly isn’t minor pain.  I’m totally freaking out right now.  I hated the part of my life when my back hurt all the time.  




Lawtonious “Old Man Lawton . . . Keeps on bitchin’” Funk



Lawtonfunk said...

Okay, I don't know what happened, but as off 10 minutes ago the pain diminished considerably. I'm just going to go with it and not do anything stupid the next couple days. . . but I do need to mow the lawn.

Anonymous said...

Dear Will,

This is probably the worst/best time to mention this, but...

do you have any old recordings of you singing "Sunshine"? I'm transcribing my LJ, and came upon an old entry talking about you playing this song, and how I associate this song with Clemson, LXA and you guys. I'd love a copy. And also, I'm in the back pain category b/c I've transcribed entries of me with ruptured disc agony, and also I've reactivated such rupture. :P

Lawtonfunk said...

I will have a look to see if I have it. Brad and I didn't record too many of our acoustic shows.

Agent Orange said...

Dude, hide the frying pans!