Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mariokart Wii

I got the game for my B-day, and let me say this.  It is everything I wanted and more.  Mariokart Wii has 16 new levels as well as 16 classic levels from Super Nintendo, N64, Gamecube, and Nintendo DS.  It’s freakin’ awesome.  I have yet to play online, and I am already completely satisfied.  Now, you can race little bikes as well as karts.  Anyway, if anyone with a Wii wants to race online, let me know. 



Lawtonious “I’m 31 years young on June 27” Funk



Agent Orange said...

I swear I am the only one without a Wii! I am surrounded by people with Wii's!!!

The Double D said...

I don't but hope to soon change that as I approach teh offical slide to 30.