Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Lost On Tuesday . . . The lost music.

I’ve been spending about 2 hours a night digitally re-mastering the Lost on Tuesday “Live At Explorers” show.  It’s exciting and frustrating at the same time.  I really to go back in time for two reasons:

  1. To have a sound guy that could recognize Thomas’ guitar was too loud at the explorers show.
  2. To slap Stinky Tom for drinking too much before the show.  Everyone else played fairly well, but Stinky lived up to his name.  I know he can play ten times better than he did.  Ahhhhh!!


I haven’t found the Kincaid’s Tavern tapes, yet.  I believe they were recorded at too high a volume.  Therefore, there is clipping when the band gets loud.  However, my program has a de-clipping button.  I’m going to give it a shot.  There are some songs we didn’t play at Explorer’s that are pretty cool.  If I can get those on a CD, I’ll do it.  Even if they are bad quality sound.  Besides, we played really well at Kincaid’s Tavern.


I have found the original “Resident Idiot” Demo CD.  So, those three songs will be on the big CD mix I am making.  I am also going to put at least one practice session on there, just for fun.



Lawtonious Funk



Agent Orange said...

Dude, I am so buying this CD. As long as you intentionally name it L.o.T.: All the hits!


Lawtonfunk said...

Still working on it . . . I'm spending an hour or two a day. I should finish by the end of this week . . . hopefully.